Ding Yihui



Prof. Ding Yihui, a wellknown meteorologist ,was born in Bozhou of Anhui Province,  China on 16 October ,1938. He graduated from Department of Geophysics, Beijing University in 1963, majoring in dynamic meteorology, and got MS from Postegraduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He began with his research career in 1967 in Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and went to India to take part in the First International Experiment of Monsoon in 1979. From 1979 to 1981, he worked in Colorado State University and University of Hawaii in USA. After returning to China, he became director of National Oceanic Observatory and deputydirector of National Oceanic Environmental Forecast Center, deputydirector of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, and  professor and advisor for Ph.D students, director of National Climate Center and cochair of IPCC Working Group 1. He is now member and officer of Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), chairman of Scientific Steering Committee for East Asian Monsoon Research of WMO, chairman of Scientific Steering Committee for East Asian Monsoon Research of WMO, and member of Advisory Committee of Climatology Commission of WMO, member of Editorial Committee for International Climatology Journal of British Royal Meteorological Society, and standing members of China Meteorological Society and China Oceanic Society.
He was a chief scientist in many national key programs in China. He also a noted scientist in the area of atmospheric sciences over the world, with much contribution to many important international programs and activities. Many achievements and results derived from his studies in dynamic of monsoon, disaster weather and climate change  have been extensively referenced in professional papers in China and internationally. His 22  papers are published in SCI journals and 33 papers have been referenced in SCI journals 122 times. He has received 17 national-level and ministerial-level awards.
Since 2001, he has been appointed special advisor in climate change for CMA. He is still an active scientist in leading area of climate change science.